Friday, 15 June 2007

Pet Care Tips for Summer
Pets primarily cool themselves by panting. Panting works by moving warm moist air out of the body. Panting is not very efficient and actually produces some heat from the effort it takes to pant. The higher the temperature and higher the humidity, the less effective panting becomes for your pet. Older, obese and/or short-snouted dogs are especially inefficient at cooling.
Excessive heat is primarily hard on the cells and organs of the pet. Sustained temperatures of 105° and above is the point at which the cells begin to break down and loose functionality. So when you are out giving your dog his/her afternoon walk, make sure they are first properly hydrated and limit the time you spend in the peak hours of the day unless you can provide a consistent supply of water and/or take your pet to a nearby water supply. Be it a pool, fountain, lake or bayou always be aware of the dangers that water can bring, especially your tired, hot dog. Be absolutely sure to hydrate your pet when you get home as well.

Signs of Heat Stroke:
•Excessive uncontrolled breathing/panting
•Rapid heart rate
(normal temperature for dogs and cats ranges from 101.5°-102.4°, above 105°=danger)
•Mucous Membrane
(tongue, lips and gum color will be a bright red when the dog is combating the heat through panting, a blue/grey color is a sign of stress along with dry mouth)
(if your pet begins to vomit at any time during a long walk or day out, take him/her to the vet immediately...and if possible, take a sample for your veterinarian as well.)

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robert said...
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